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Pixel Buds

1 reviews
10.8 k downloads

Companion app for your Google headset

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The Pixel Buds app serves as a central hub for managing your Google Pixel Buds effortlessly on Android devices running version 6.0 and above. The intuitive interface allows you to monitor battery levels for both the earbuds and their case, ensuring you're never caught off-guard by a low charge. Touting practical features, it empowers users with Adaptive Sound control, enabling the earbuds to dynamically adjust the volume to match your environment, enhancing the aural experience.

You can personalize your listening with in-ear detection settings and easily locate misplaced earbuds by triggering a ringing sound. Moreover, seamless integration with Google Assistant is provided, allowing interaction with your device using voice commands, and spoken notifications keep individuals informed without needing to glance at their phone.

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Further educational support is provided, offering guidance on utilizing touch controls along with tips and assistance for any queries. For Pixel users, connecting your earbuds, navigating to Bluetooth settings, and clicking on the gear icon next to their listing is all it takes. For other Android users, the icon will be conveniently placed on your home screen. The app is specifically designed for Google Pixel Buds (2nd Gen) users seeking a refined and cohesive audio experience.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Google LLC.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 6.0 or higher required

Information about Pixel Buds 1.0.673625792

Package Name com.google.android.apps.wearables.maestro.companion
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Audio
Language English
47 more
Author Google LLC
Downloads 10,756
Date Sep 20, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 1.0.673625792 Android + 6.0 Sep 19, 2024
apk 1.0.600995478 Android + 6.0 Mar 7, 2024
apk 1.0.600995478 Android + 6.0 Mar 9, 2024
apk 1.0.571209366 Android + 6.0 Aug 10, 2024
apk 1.0.570893096 Android + 6.0 Oct 20, 2023
apk 1.0.570893096 Android + 6.0 Oct 21, 2023

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